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Version 1.1.0

Dillenn Terumalai requested to merge dev into master


  • [Enhancement] - Added the --without-env or -W option to use local system environment variables instead of the ones from the .env file
  • [Enhancement] - init will now help the user to create the .env file
  • [Security] - SPSP PGP public key has now been sign by the DCC
  • [Security] - Fingerprint is now output during init for verification by the user
  • [Testing] - Added 4 tests: init, compress, sign and help automatically run by GitLab CI/CD
  • [Testing] - Added a test function for the user, to test the tool
  • [Build] - Added a new script to create 4 clean (no gitlab related files) archives of the transfer-tool: .zip, .tar, .tar.gz and .tar.bz2
  • [Bug] - Added a cleanup function to clean the directory
  • [Bug] - Fixed some errors in the
  • [Bug] - Added some extra checks in the init function

Merge request reports