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Minimal instructions to compile/run the ISMARA client

Building requires three steps

Step 1) Building of ISMARA application:

Open the file in QtCreator and build the project.

- It will not yet run since it needs the qtprocess plugin (see 2)

Step 2) Building of QtProcess plugin (directory Process) and installtion in Qt5 installation

The directory basically contains a plugin that needs to built and the used by Qt.
Build that plugin in a separate build directory (i.e. different from the one you used above).

When building this plugin, the following two important files are created in the build dir
(in addition to .o and Makefile):

Step 3) Building of HttpUploader (directory HttpUploader) and installation in Qt5 installation 

  Similar to Step 2 just adapted to this plugin

For now, we haven't determined a way to include plugins locally (i.e. bundle it with the
application directly) but a workaround is to add the pluging to the default plugin directory 
of the Qt5 installation.

Current simplistic way to use this plugin for a Qt project from QML

a) Go into to the qml directory of your Qt installation
e.g. Qt/5.4/gcc_64/qml

b) Create the directories QtProcess and HttpUploader
mkdir QtProcess
mkdir HttpUploader

c) Copy the files and qmldir into the directory
   QtProcess so you end up with the following directory/files:

ls -l Qt/5.4/gcc_64/qml/QtProcess
total 680
-rwxr-xr-x 1 hstockin sib_tech 689287 Mar 24 16:24
-rw-r--r-- 1 hstockin sib_tech     34 Mar 24 16:24 qmldir

In that way, the pluging can be used by all other Qt/QML applictions by just importing it 
in the .qml file.

Next, do the equivalent for the plugin HttpUploader

Example: Main.qml
import QtProcess 0.1

--> Once this is done, you can go back to Step 1) and run the ISMARA client