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HTSlib release 1.3, plugins, libcurl, CRAM v3.0, bug fixes

* Files can now be accessed via HTTPS and Amazon S3 in addition to HTTP
  and FTP, when HTSlib is configured to use libcurl for network file access
  rather than the included basic knetfile networking.

* HTSlib can be built to use remote access hFILE backends (such as iRODS
  and libcurl) via a plugin mechanism.  This allows other backends to be
  easily added and facilitates building tools that use HTSlib, as they
  don't need to be linked with the backends' various required libraries.

* fai_build() and samtools faidx now accept initial whitespace in ">"
  headers (e.g., "> chr1 description" is taken to refer to "chr1").

* tabix --only-header works again (was broken in 1.2.x; #249).

* HTSlib's configure script and Makefile now fully support the standard
  convention of allowing CC/CPPFLAGS/CFLAGS/LDFLAGS/LIBS to be overridden
  as needed.  Previously the Makefile listened to $(LDLIBS) instead; if you
  were overriding that, you should now override LIBS rather than LDLIBS.

* Fixed bugs #168, #172, #176, #197, #206, #225, #245, #265, #295, and #296.