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ViKM-Group / vikmapp-ng
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A RESTFul web app in PHP / Angular that handles user accounts, groups, projects and experiments. Files can be uploaded in experiments. Download requests is also implemented. This is the frontend part implemented in angular / restangular.
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Public website of the project: https://pages.sib.swiss/project/swissgenvar/
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Web site for scratch programming event at Open Geneva (14 April 2018) v2017: Web site for 2 SIB tracks at Open Geneva Hackathons (13/14 May 2017)Updated
Clinbio / SendCrypt / SendCrypt CLI
MIT LicenseModern and easy to use CLI to securely send encrypted sensitive data by SFTP.
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Clinbio / Packagist / Laravel Watcher
MIT LicenseLaravel wrapper around inotify to monitor activities inside a directory
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ViKM-Group / vikmapp-backend
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A RESTFul web app in PHP / Angular that handles user accounts, groups, projects and experiments. Files can be uploaded in experiments. Download requests is also implemented.
This is the backend part implemented in SLIM / PHP
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The code of this new project is a clean version of sib-seed-project. Its goal is to be used for SIB admin web sites (like DCC) and not for resources. Another look and feel will be submitted on that purpose, later.
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Angular Front-end and R scripts of A parallel coordinates plots using RServe and d3js v.4
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